Our Ethical Factories
To make the best products we use the best factories. Factories that sustain and promote fair labour practices, safe working conditions and environmental responsibility.
For complete product transparency we develop our own responsible supply chains and every supplier must meet our standards for business, quality, environmental and social standards.
Our Supplier Workplace Code of Conduct is based on International Labour Organisation (ILO) core labour standards and requires our suppliers comply with all laws in each of the countries where our factories operate.

Our Fabric Supplier
KPR Mill Limited
Ethical Trade Initiative
OEKO-TEX Standard 100
GOTS - Global Organic Textile Standard
SA 8000: 2001 For Social Accountability
SIMA - The Southern India Mills Association
WRAP - Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production
ISO - The International Organisation For Standardisation

Our Garment Supplier
Gokul Knitt Fabs
Organic 100 Content Standard
OEKO-TEX Standard 100
Sedex - Supplier Ethical Data Exchange
GOTS - Global Organic Textile Standard
SA 8000: 2001 For Social Accountability
BSCI - Business Social Compliance Initiative
WRAP - Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production